One to One Consultation
If you follow my work, you know I’m happy to share information that I’ve learned over the years as a professional photographer. I feel it’s my duty to give back and help photographers of all levels improve their craft so they can achieve their goals.
I’ve produced free, educational videos for photographers on my YouTube Channel and regularly conduct workshop events. Despite all the information out there, nothing can beat personal, one-to-one help from an expert to bring your career to the next level or solve a specific issue.
I’m now offering virtual consultations over Zoom meeting or phone and can personally walk you through many of the photo issues you’re having. Here are just a few of the topics we can cover during the session:
Exposure: Having trouble getting consistent exposures? I will talk you through the process so you can understand what’s happening and why, so you can shoot with confidence.
Focus: Auto focus settings can be complex. I’ll teach you how it works so you can take control of your camera’s focus system whether shooting action, portraits, or still life.
Composition: Want to know what to look for when composing your images while shooting or when cropping in post? Using (and breaking) the rules of photo composition can help your images stand out.
Camera settings: We can go through every setting on your camera so you can shoot with confidence. As a Nikon user, I’m most familiar with that system, but with a little advance notice, I can help with virtually any brand or setting.
Lighting: Whether you just bought your first Flashlight or have costly studio strobes, I can help you learn how to use them, trigger them, and add modifiers to get the best look possible.
Gear recommendations: Should you buy that brand, new piece of equipment? I’ll talk you through the pros and cons so you can make the best decision for your situation.
Post-processing: I can teach you the best practices for working on your images so they just pop-out off the screen or page.
Workflow: Having trouble culling through your images and finding them later? I’ll show you how I go through thousands of images and will help you develop your own method of efficiently importing and saving photos.
Backups: All hard drives will die eventually, so it’s important to have everything backed up. We’ll talk about local, off-site, and cloud storage so you never have to worry about losing your precious images.
Portfolio review: It’s important to have an unbiased, third-person look at your work. I will be supportive but hard in telling you which of your photos are best to show (or not show!) so you can project the best version of yourself.
So many more: I can’t list everything here, but I can help you solve nearly any photo issue and walk you through the process that’s best for your own situation.
I’m available for 20-minutes or 40-minutes sessions on zoom meeting or phone. The shorter consultations are best for single issues like settings, gear recommendations, and portfolio reviews of ten images or less. Longer session is best for more complex discussions like workflow optimization, lighting, setting up and using new equipment, and photo business advice. If you’re not sure if I can help or how much time you’ll need, contact me and ask.